Creating urgency for selling cars is one of the best ways to motivate the potential consumers to make a purchase by fear to loose a particularly profitable immediate offer. The fear of losing something like a cost savings or the possible loss of a desired color can be enough to make the customer buy now rather than later.
Many car salespeople try to create urgency for selling cars in a way that makes them sound cheesy or desperate and that is why it doesn't work properly. This car sales technique requires timing and rapport to bring a real upgrade to your sales.
There is a particular category of customers that say they are not buying today. They say that they just started shopping and they want to look around because they have plenty of time and that they don’t need to buy a car right now. Remember, those words are just code for we haven’t ran across a car sales professional yet and/or we haven’t been given a reason to buy today. That means that they want you to create urgency for selling cars and sell them a car. They came to your car dealership because they want to buy a car so give them a reason and they will buy a car today.
Create this urgency, but do it persuasively.
If you talk about incentives don’t threaten them with a deadline for incentives because they probably already know when they end or if they went to another dealership that was used to create urgency for selling cars unsuccessfully. Manufacturer incentives are available at all dealerships so they are rarely a great tool to create a need to buy now unless it’s the last day or two of the program.
Here are some simple 4 possible ways to create urgency for selling cars, by making your dealership unique in that you have something that competing dealers do not have. In such a way some dealers use contests, giveaways, allocations and dealership sales to create urgency very effectively to build value in their dealership.
Look how these urgency creating tricks may be justified:
1. Contests: Our dealership is in a contest to win a trip so our General Sales Manager has been doing crazy things to win.
2. Allocation: If we sell a certain number of cars during this period we will earn more cars to sell and we have been pulling out all the stops to sell XX cars.
3. Big Sale: We are having our (annual, Spring, Summer, Tent, Fall, Clearance or whatever sale) and we are making great deals, etc.
4. Giveaways: We are including (oil changes, car washes, floor mats, extended warranties or whatever) with all new cars sold until xx-xx-xxx.
Of course these are not car sales panacea because nothing works all the time. However, when you create urgency for selling cars properly you will sell more cars and be a car salesman that makes more money and earns more referrals than a desperate and sleazy car seller.